Quickly locate active workbook's folder

Excel Tip #019

Quickly locate active workbook's folder

We will be working on (or) will be having multiple workbooks open at a time. Sometimes I want to know the folder location for the file that I am working on. And sometimes I need to go to that folder to access other related files.

A cool trick that I find handy involves adding the Document Location command to my Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

Add the Document Location command to your QAT

  1. Right click anywhere on the Ribbon and select "Customize Quick Access Toolbar"
  2. On the "Choose commands from" dropdown, select All Commands
  3. In the list of commands (on the left side of the dialog), scroll down and select the Document Location command
  4. Click the Add>> button and click OK
Document Location command in QAT
Note: You can see the document location (or) the folder path only if the workbook is saved

The "Document Location" command is not only useful to show the full path of the active workbook in your QAT, but if you

  1. Click in the Document Location field
  2. Select and delete just the filename (keep just the path) and
  3. Press Enter, a new Explorer window will open up with the current workbook's folder selected
Try out this useful tip...!


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