Prevent Automatic Hyperlinks in Excel

Excel Tip #023

Prevent Automatic Hyperlinks

Having Hyperlinks in your worksheet that allow you to quickly and easily open other related workbooks, can save you a lot of time. You don't have to browse to the folder where the workbook is located.

Many of us use hyperlinks to jump from one sheet of the workbook to another sheet (or) to another workbook. But it can be annoying sometimes when you simply want to enter the data (e.g. website (or) email address) in your worksheet and it automatically gets created as hyperlinks.

By clicking the Undo command (on the Quick Access Toolbar) or pressing CTRL+Z immediately after you create the hyperlink, you can quickly disable that hyperlink but that is not going to be a permanent solution.

If you just don't want hyperlinks created in your workbooks every time you type a website (or) email address, you can disable this feature in Excel's options.

  1. From the File tab, click Options, Proofing, then click the AutoCorrect Options... button
  2. On the 'AutoFormat As You Type' tab, remove the checkmark from the 'Internet and network paths with hyperlinks' option and click OK.
    Preventing Automatic Hyperlinks - Website (or) Email address

PS: Note that this option will disable the automatic creation of hyperlinks for all workbooks, so whenever you type an email address or URL in your workbook, Excel won't automatically turn it into a hyperlink.

If you do need to create an occasional hyperlink, from the Insert tab, click Hyperlink or press CTRL+K


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