Find And Replace Cell Colors

Excel Tip #027

Find And Replace Cell Colors

It is common for Excel users to apply background colors to cells, such as green to indicate for positive, red to indicate warning etc. But how to remove the green fill color from hundreds of cells throughout the workbook without having to do them one by one.

Steps to Find cells with a specific Fill color

     1) Press CTRL+F to open the Find dialog
     2) If you don't see the Format button, click the Options>> button
     3) Click the Format... button
     4) Click each of the tabs (Number, Alignment, Font, Border, Fill and Protection) and, if the Clear button isn't 'grayed out', click it to clear any formatting from the search criteria
     5) Click the Fill tab and choose the color you wish to find

    6) Click the Find All button. All of the cells with the Fill color you selected will be listed at the bottom of the Find and Replace dialog

To Replace the Fill color in the 'found' cells

    1) In the Find and Replace dialog, click the Replace tab
    2) Click the Format... button in the 'Replace With' section
    3) Click the Fill tab and select the color you wish to replace the 'found' cells with

    4) Click the Replace All button.


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