Replace formulas with values

Excel Tip #006

Replace formulas with values

This is one of the most useful tip that we use in everyday while we use excel. Consider you have a range of cells (or) formulas written. You want to copy the range and move it to other range of cells (or) in a new sheet.

This can be done in 2 ways - either by a keyboard shortcut (or) by a mouse shortcut. Let us consider the below range of values which are all formulas.
Range of cells with Formulas
The usual way of doing this is - copying the range, right click and then paste as values (shown in the below image).
Copy pasting as values - Usual method
Keyboard shortcut

After copying the range, press ALT + E + S which will pop up a window. Press V (denotes values) and enter, will result the range as values.
Copy pasting values - Keyboard Shortcut
Mouse shortcut
  1. Select all the cells that contain formulas
  2. Right click on the selection border (your mouse pointer changes to 4 sided arrow)
  3. Right click + Drag the selection a few cells away and drop them back at original place
  4. A menu appears. Select Copy here as values only
  5. Copy pasted as values, done


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