Inserting and deleting cells, rows and columns

Excel Tip #009

Inserting and deleting cells, rows and columns

There are ways inserting and deleting cells, rows and columns. Below are 3 methods (which I can recollect) in inserting (or) deleting rows and columns.

Option 1 (Standard Procedure):

Selecting a row (or) column by clicking it, then right click for options. You can see options "Insert" and "Delete". This will add a new row in the left (or) a new column in the top.
Inserting/Deleting row (or) column - Option 1 (Standard Process)

Option 2 (Unusual mouse method):

You can quickly insert a range of empty cells or rows by holding down the SHIFT key while dragging the fill handle.
To insert a range of cells, select a single cell above where you want the cells inserted and drag the fill handle down the number of cells you want to insert. 

Inserting/Deleting row (or) column - Option 2 (Unusual mouse method)

Inserting columns works basically the same way by dragging the Fill Handle horizontally to the right.

You can also delete cells, rows and columns using this same basic technique.
     1) Select the cells, rows or columns you want to delete
     2) Drag the fill handle back over the selected cells

Option 3 (Shortcuts):

When you press the ALT key, there will be alphabets displayed. Press "H" for Home, "I" for Insert, "R" for Rows.

Shortcuts using ALT key:
     Insert Sheet Rows: ALT + H + I + R 
     Insert Sheet Columns: ALT + H + I + C
     Delete Sheet Rows: ALT + H + D + R 
     Delete Sheet Columns: ALT + H + D + C
Adding/Deleting rows (or) columns using ALT key shortcut
To select entire row (or) column, press SHIFT + SPACEBAR (or) press CTRL + SPACEBAR

Shortcuts without using ALT key:
     Insert Sheet Rows/Columns: CTRL + SHIFT + +(plus symbol) 
     Delete Sheet Rows/Columns: CTRL + -(minus symbol)

Adding rows (or) columns without using ALT key shortcut

Deleting rows (or) columns without using ALT key shortcut


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