COUNTIF Partial Matching
Excel Tip #016 COUNTIF Partial Matching There are many COUNT functions that are available in Excel. One of which is the COUNTIF() function. Let us see a more detailed use of it. The use of COUNTIF() function - It is used to count the number of cells in a given range which meets the specified condition. Its syntax is, =COUNTIF(range,criteria) The range field is the group of cells that you want to count. The criteria field tells the cells that needs to be counted which can be a number, expression, cell reference, or text string. Consider the below example. Example - COUNTIF() function =COUNTIF(A2:A6,"Cadbury") - This gives me 1 as the result =COUNTIF(A2:A6.A5) - In A5 we have Toblerone and the function searches for Toblerone in the list which is 1 =COUNTIF(B2:B6,23) - Here Mars chocolate has 23 and the result will be 1 =COUNTIF(B2:B6.">50") - The condition is to count cells which are above 50. We have Toblerone and Ferrero Rocher have q...